BLU Zoey Smart

BLU Zoey Smart

How to find or track my Zoey Smart

If you need to locate or track a BLU Zoey Smart that has been lost or stolen to find and recover it, or as a last resort, erase all its content so that no one can access your data, you can do so through your KaiOS account.

Estimated time: 5 minutes.

1- First step:

To start we must have a KaiOS account previously created and configured in our BLU Zoey Smart, using a computer, tablet or another smartphone we log in to the KaiOS website with our username and password from here: Kaios Login

2- Second step:

Select from the menu that appears on the screen the option to make it sound to find out where it is if it is nearby. The BLU Zoey Smart will play a sound at full volume so you can locate it.

3- Third step:

If you have not been able to find the BLU Zoey Smart using the sound at maximum volume, click on the lock option. In this way, if someone has found or stolen it, they will not be able to use it.

4- Fourth step:

If after locking it you still can't find your BLU Zoey Smart, you can opt for the most radical option and delete all its content so that no one can access your photos, messages, documents and personal data.

About the device:

BLU Zoey Smart is a mobile/cell phone with dimensions of 110 x 45,7 x 13 mm, a screen size of 2.4 inches and a screen resolution of 320 x 240 pixels.

It has a processor Quad Core 1.3GHz, a RAM memory 256 MB and an internal memory of 512 MB .

The BLU Zoey Smart comes from the factory with the KaiOS 2.5.1 operating system.

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